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Willie {stark|marked|huge|plain}, {and if|and when|of course, if|if|in case|just in case|when|incase|and in case|considering the fact that|considering that|given that|due to the fact|whenever|any time|and|and whenever|if in case|as well as|assuming|and also|as well as when|you may|while|of|if you do|and just incase|along with when|of course|if ever|as long as|associated with|obviously|regarding} {he|he or she|this individual|they|he / she|your dog|she|she or he|the guy|the person|your puppy|the dog|he still|your guy|this guy|this person|your man|the man|which he|a person|your boyfriend|your ex|that he|the individual|your ex boyfriend|that they|he or|you|your husband|it|your lover|so he|which is why he|the doctor|so santa|my husband|or even she|my friend|or even|that she} {indeed|certainly|without a doubt|in fact|really|in truth|truly|in actual fact|of course|genuinely|definitely|actually|sure|for sure|obviously|undoubtedly|surely|in reality|often|absolutely|you bet|by all means|in any case|strongly|that's right|that is correct|so|sure enough|yes|simple fact|absolutely yes|to be sure} {is|is actually|will be|can be|is usually|is definitely|is certainly|is without a doubt|might be|is normally|is undoubtedly|is going to be|is without question|happens to be|may be|is simply|is in fact|could be|is really|is truly|is considered to be|is almost certainly|is always|has been|is generally|is often|is considered|is literally|are|has become|is now|should be|is regarded as|would be|is just|definitely is|typically is|has always been|is very much|'s|often is|could be described as|is also|was|may|is ordinarily|is probably|can|must be|could|will} {sexually|while making love|intimately} {attracted to|drawn to|interested in|fascinated by|consumed by} you, {that is|that's|which is|that may be|that is certainly|that is definitely|that could be|which can be|which may be|this really is|that would be|this is|that has been|and that is|which is usually|thats generally|that is|that can 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